Botany Bay Yacht Club House Rules (2010)


Botany Bay Yacht Club is an ‘all volunteer’ organisation that does not employ staff.  ‘All volunteer’ places an onus on every member to assist in the running of their Club to the best of their ability.

Our Directors are unpaid volunteers, those who conduct our races are unpaid volunteers and the same applies to those who order or obtain supplies, provide bar service, prepare, cook and serve food, undertake minor repairs or improvements to the Club or its boats, take part in working bees and so on. 

As a member of Botany Bay Yacht Club, it is expected that you will not increase the workload or make things difficult for those who volunteer to help you.  Simply placing rubbish in a bin or offering to empty a full one, rinsing the crockery you use, putting chairs and tables back where you found them, offering to repair some minor fault you noticed, in fact any help you can offer is not only appreciated but goes a long way to ensure the smooth operation of your Club and the enjoyment of all our members, including yourself.

Remember that Botany Bay Yacht Club is not a thing - it is not a building, it is not a series of races nor cruising events, it’s not slipways, hardstand or pontoons. IT IS ITS MEMBERS! So, why not volunteer?

House Rules

The following House Rules are designed to assist members benefit from a smoothly operating Club and gain maximum enjoyment for themselves, their guests and fellow members. 

These Rules are the By-Law of the Club and the Board of Directors may amend them at any time should circumstances warrant.

  1. Behaviour
    1. The Club, its members and their guests will comply with all applicable Laws, Regulations and Rules both ashore and on water. 
    2. Members and guests are to respect the rights of other members and guests, both ashore and on water, and behave accordingly.
    3. When the Club is open, members and guests are to behave in a manner that will not cause offence to neighbours.
    4. The Club Room is provided as a comfortable relaxation area for members and their guests and therefore, care needs to be taken to ensure that this objective is met. 
      1. Members and guests should not clutter the room with personal items like bags, sailing gear, sails, wet weather gear or similar items (particularly when they are wet).  If such items cannot be stowed immediately in a vehicle (as they should be), they should preferably be left in the undercover parking area or at last resort, in the foyer.
      2. The inspection or measuring of dry sails in the Club Room is acceptable providing it is done in a timely manner, does not interfere with other members and any furniture moved is returned to its original position.
      3. Both male & female change rooms are provided on the ground floor.  The Club Room and its associated toilets are not to be used for this purpose.
      4. Clothing or other items left in the Club Room will be discarded within 14 days if unclaimed.
    5. Office Bearers and Directors are elected to manage the day to day operations of your Club and members are expected to comply with any directions given or reasonable requests made by them or their representatives (e.g. Duty Officer or Key Holder).
  2. Operating Hours
    1. The Club will not operate after midnight on any occasion.
    2. The Club will not operate prior to 0800 on any day except for special events approved by the Board of Directors.
    3. The Club will be open to members and guests:
      1. 1630 - 2300 (4.30pm to 11pm) each Friday during Daylight Saving for Twilight/Night racing.
      2. 0900 - 2000 (9am to 8pm) each Saturday during the sailing season for Series and Trophy racing.
      3. 0830 - 2300 (6.30pm to 11pm) for monthly Board and General  meetings.
    4. The Club may be open to members and guests:
      1. 0900 - 1800 (9am to 6pm) on specific Sundays or Public Holidays for cruising, racing, social or special events.
      2. On Friday nights, Saturdays, Sundays or Public Holidays when events are not scheduled.  On such occasions, the opening of the Club and the hours of operation will be at the discretion of the Board of Directors but will not exceed those listed above.
      3. A key holder may open the Club for the benefit of members at any other time if they are prepared to accept responsibility for the operation of the Club and the behaviour of members.
  3. Bar
    1. Alcohol will be served or supplied strictly in accordance with prevailing Liquor Laws, Conditions of Licence and the Clubs’ Responsible Service of Alcohol House Policy.
    2. The bar will only be manned by holders of a Responsible Service of Alcohol Certificate issued by the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing, a copy of which is held on file by the Club.
    3. Members and guests remain responsible for their own behaviour while consuming alcohol.
      1. Any member infringing the above rules will be refused service and an Incident Report raised for forwarding to the Board of Directors.  Such a report will remain on file and is subject to perusal by Licencing Inspectors and Police at any time.
      2. Any member or guest who is refused service must, by law, immediately leave the Club and (unless awaiting transport) must not enter within 50 metres of the Club for a period of 24 hours.
      3. It is an offence for any intoxicated person (members or guest) to be on the Clubs’ premise, regardless of where the alcohol was obtained or consumed.
      4. It is an offence for any member or guest to supply or obtain liquor for an intoxicated person or any person under 18 years of age.

    Note:   Any person offending the above rules will be asked to leave the Club.  Failure to comply constitutes an offence and Police may be called.  Licensing Inspectors or Police may also enter the Club at any time. 

    If an offence has been committed, Licensing Inspectors or Police may issue an on-the-spot fine (currently $1,100) to the person committing the offence.  The Club Licensee may then be subject to court proceedings and face fines of up to $11,000 and cancellation of the Club’s Liquor Licence.

  4. Bar Hours

    Alcohol will not be sold or supplied:
    1. Prior to 1000 (10 a.m.) on any day.
    2. Not later than thirty (30) minutes prior to Club closing.
    3. When the Club is open under House Rule 2(e).
  5. Smoking
    1. By law, it is an offence for any member or guest to smoke within the Club rooms.
    2. Any person infringing the smoking ban may be ejected from the Club and (unless awaiting transport) must not enter within 50 metres of the Club for a period of 24 hours.
    3. Failure to leave the Club when requested constitutes an offence under current Liquor Laws and Police may be called.  Heavy, on-the-spot fines apply if an offence has been committed.
  6. Health and Safety
    1. Members and guests are expected to comply with all Occupational, Health and Safety guidelines whilst on Club premises.
    2. Whilst it is the responsibility of the Duty Officer or key holder to ensure that the Club rooms remain in a clean, healthy and safe state, members are expected to assist by taking the same normal, common sense, actions that they would in their own home.  The cleanliness, healthiness and safe state of the Club is the responsibility of every member, not just those who formally volunteer to assist other members.